Proudly serving Orange, Osceola, Seminole, and Brevard Counties
We are dedicated to helping seniors continue to experience the richness of life.

Our Vision

A society in which the special worth of the most elderly and frail citizens is manifest through loving care for their minds and spirits as well as their ailing bodies.

Our Mission

To provide compassionate and innovative care for seniors and persons with disabilities, which inspires them to flourish with dignity in the comfort and safety of their own homes.

Our Core Values : C A R I N G

Comfort – caring for our clients’ health, safety, well-being, and quality of life, while honoring their personal choices
Affection – showing our clients abundant love, dignity, compassion, and empathy
Respect – respecting all cultures, genders, races, religions, ethnicity, sexual orientations, ages, and disabilities
Integrity – establishing trust through open, honest, and dignified communications with clients and their families, while maintaining private client information in confidence
Nurture – helping each of our clients achieve their optimum individual level of mental, physical and social activity, so they can flourish in place
Generosity – displaying generosity of spirit through a goodhearted, selfless, and caring staff focused on serving clients and their families

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Ready to experience the Flourish in Place difference?
Call 407-845-9797 or Request a Free Consultation to begin your journey with us!