The four best transportation options for seniors that can’t drive
Posted in Senior health and wellness
You and your senior loved one may be unaware of alternative transportation options. Read now to learn about the four best types of transportation for seniors. ...Continue reading
6 tips for traveling with seniors
Posted in Senior health and wellness
Traveling with senior loved ones can bring unique challenges; that’s why it’s important to be well-prepared. Read now to learn our top tips for traveling with seniors. ...Continue reading
How we use sensory blankets to support our seniors
Read now to learn about our partnership with the First UMC of Orlando and the sensory blankets that they donate to Flourish in Place. ...Continue reading
The benefits of music therapy for seniors
Posted in Senior health and wellness
Music is a powerful tool that can be used to evoke emotions and memories. Read now to learn more about music therapy for seniors. ...Continue reading
Our guide to surgery recovery for seniors
Posted in Senior health and wellness
Due to weakening bones and decreased mobility, seniors have a harder time recovering from surgery. Read now for the best practices in surgery recovery for seniors. ...Continue reading
The ultimate guide to pets for seniors
Posted in Senior health and wellness
Pets for seniors are great companions and even bring health benefits. Explore our ultimate guide to make the right decision about a furry friend! ...Continue reading