Proudly serving Orange, Osceola, Seminole, and Brevard Counties

Agitation Usually Has a Cause

Elder Care Winter Park FL-Your aging adult may experience agitation as a side effect of her dementia, but what is behind the agitation? ...
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Tips for Living with Tinnitus 

Tinnitus is a condition that causes people to hear sounds that do not have an external sound. While many people hear a ringing noise, others describe a roaring, buzzing, or hissing noise. It ...
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Tips for a safer, more enjoyable bathtime for your Epic Elder

How many times should an elderly person bathe? Times vary from twice a day to once a week, all depending on the individual’s situation. If your Epic Elder is incontinent, bathing becom ...
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Could I have done more for Grandmama?

It has been more than 25 years since my grandmother died. I still think of her often. I remember visiting her when I was really little, helping her snap peas on the back porch while singing ...
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Keeping Nana in Touch

Keegan spends many hours with his Nana. (Our children call her G’Ma.) Their time together is so important. Nana has imprinted herself on Keegan’s childhood. She has shared so man ...
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Mama – A Polio Survivor!

This is one of my favorite pictures! From left to right we are: my daughter, Miranda; me; my mother, Kathryn; and my daughter, Stephanie. Mama was a loving and ever-present figure in my chil ...
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