Proudly serving Orange, Osceola, Seminole, and Brevard Counties

Why Aren’t You Really Getting Help?

Senior Care Kissimmee FL-It’s so frustrating to need more help and not get it. The first step can be figuring out why you’re not getting the help you need. ...
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Use Color to Improve Your Parent’s Mood

Homecare Oviedo FL-Can color impact how your dad feels? Studies do find that the right room color can help boost a mood. Color can also increase hunger, make you feel sad, and impact so many ...
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Helping Dad Get the Motivation to Exercise

Elder Care Longwood FL-It can be difficult to convince your aging relative to get up and get moving. However, there are ways you can help your older family member to get motivated. Here are ...
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What Does Independence Really Mean for Your Senior?

Elderly Care Winter Park FL-True independence can vary for your elderly family member depending on her mental and physical health. What seems less independent to you can mean everything to y ...
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Why Is Foot Care so Important to a Senior?

Home Health Care Services Oviedo FL-About 3 out of 4 people have problems with at least one foot at some point. For a senior citizen, foot pain or discomfort can cause problems with mobility ...
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Four Reasons to Focus on Sleep

Caregiver Altamonte Springs FL-If you’re ignoring the amount of sleep you’re getting, you’re likely missing out on one of the biggest variables for keeping yourself healthy and energiz ...
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